By: @inceipek1
Auriculotherapy, also known as ear acupuncture, is an ancient Chinese practice that uses the ear as a medium to facilitate healing. It is based on the idea that the ear is a micro system that reflects the entire body and stimulating certain parts of the ear can help to stabilize the body’s dysfunction. The treatment involves the stimulation of precise points around the ear that are believed to communicate with specific organs, emotions, or sensory feelings.
Stimulating certain acupuncture points can activate the reticular formation system and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Auriculotherapy can also stimulate various groups of pluripotent cells. These are master cells that can potentially produce any cell or tissue that the body needs to repair itself. Thus, the simple act of stimulating various reflex points in the ear can trigger a myriad of healing processes within the body.
The Treatment
Your doctor will start by stimulating five different reflex points on each ear with needles, microcurrents, magnets, or ear seeds. All you have to do is close your eyes and wait! The five points are:
The Autonomic Point: Calms the nervous system and helps with overall relaxation.
The Shen Men: Also known as the “spirit gate” which reduces anxiety, controls nervousness, and induces a general state of relaxation.
The Kidney Point: Calms fear and heals internal organs while promoting longevity and life force.
The Liver Point: Detoxification, blood purification, relates to emotional balance and stabilizes impulsive reactions and behaviors.
The Lung Point: Can help cleanse the body of inhaled toxins.
The Benefits
Ear acupuncture has similar benefits to regular acupuncture. Certain regions of the ear are associated with the vagus nerve, ergo, stimulating these points can help to strengthen vagal tone. The benefits of auriculotherapy include (but are not limited to) anxiety relief, reduced back pain, weight loss, relief of digestive issues, and improved heart health. Auriculotherapy also helps with migraines, insomnia, substance use disorders, allergies, and depression.
If you're interested in trying auriculotherapy out for yourself, you can book in with an acupuncturist or purchase at-home ear seeds from https://wthn.com/products/ear-seed-kit