By: Emily Oberg
If you’ve ever watched Simon Sinek’s TedTalks, you know just how brilliant and inspiring he is. I read this book early on in my career when I was searching for motivation to pursue passion projects that seemed like they’d never come to fruition.
Start With Why discusses how we often think of the “what” in what we do, but never the “why”. When you know why you do what you do, it’s much easier to feel fulfilled through your work. It also helps inspire your team and community as well. There’s a reason why all of the greatest innovators and companies in the world all started with WHY. Because it’s not enough to simply sell a product or service, you have to sell a purpose behind that idea, and that’s what people will gravitate toward.
As human beings, having a sense of purpose is crucial in leading a happy and successful life. If we don’t have that, we don’t have much else to live for. This book breaks down exactly why having the “why” is so important, and how it can fuel us to reach our full potential in everything we do.