By: @inceipek1
In 1965, NASA discovered that astronauts returning to earth after spending time in space without exposure to gravity experienced muscle and bone atrophy. To increase cellular production in the muscles and bones of the astronauts, they discovered that the broad spectrum of color light, in conjunction with exposure to near-infrared light (used to activate the skin’s response to the colored light spectrum), was successful in stimulating cellular regeneration. In fact, NASA created the first light therapy instruments. Since discovering the powerful effect of intense exposure to color light on the body, color therapy has evolved as a treatment.
A centuries-old concept, chromotherapy, also known as color therapy or colorology, is a treatment that uses the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases. The vibrations of each color affect the mood, emotions, and even the physical health of individuals getting treatment. It utilizes the “chi” within differently colored lights, crystals, gemstones, and plants to positively affect the individual. Composed of reds, greens, blues, and their joint derivatives, the visible color spectrum creates the perceivable colors that fall between the ultraviolet. With their distinct wavelength and fluctuations, these visual colors, when united with a light source and selectively applied to damaged organs or life systems, deliver the needed healing energy required by the body.
Light affects both the physical and etheric bodies, so this type of vibration medicine is effective since color exists as a form of light. This means it is a variation of electromagnetic energy that can be used to effect changes in a living being. Each color used in chromotherapy has unique healing properties, so each person’s treatment is different depending on what condition they’re seeking to heal. While red stimulates better blood flow through the arteries, yellow can help relieve constipation or respiratory infections. The colors blue and violet help cool the body, which can alleviate conditions caused by inflammation.
Out of all the colors on the color wheel, green is considered the most restful and relaxing color for the human eye. It symbolizes harmony, tranquility, and peace. It enhances stability and endurance as a soothing, relaxing color and it is mostly associated with growth, renewal, optimism, hopefulness, and balance. Green enhances positive cognitive outcomes such as improved memory, problem-solving and positive thinking.
You don't need a therapist to benefit from chromotherapy. There are several ways to incorporate it into your daily routine, which can help you to become healthier and happier. Some practices for bringing more color into your daily routine include:
Repainting the walls in your home a livelier color.
Eating more colorful fruits and vegetables.
Using colored light bulbs in your lamps.
Dressing in different colors.
Being more aware of the colors around you and how they make you feel.