By: @trainergabrielle
When training, moving “well” is the most important aspect, above all else. As a personal trainer, I have witnessed many of my clients’ goals crumble when the quality of their movement is not quite there. This often happens because we are so concerned about “getting things done” that the numbers end up being prioritized & praised more than the quality & form does.
We easily prioritize ‘how long’, how many kilometers, how heavy, or how many repetitions and sets we are doing before assessing how “well” we are doing it. You may challenge yourself and run 10 km, but end up doing it with a hunched back, irregular breathing, and inflamed knees. In an attempt to get a perkier posterior while executing a 60 kg barbell squat, you may cave your knees and over arch your back. Although you may feel a big sense of achievement from all the distance and heavy lifting, it came at the cost of not “moving well”.
Move better before you move more. Learn the correct ways to do the very basics, even for simple exercises like walking or running. Assess your form in the mirror attentively. If required (and possible), get help from a personal trainer to set yourself up on the right path. As you progress and appropriately increase your intensity, consistently polish the quality of your mobility. Remember to take breaks as needed as resting is an essential part of training.
By improving the quality of the mobile mechanisms of our movements, we can minimize injury, be able to move effortlessly without pain, and most importantly, feel good.