By: Chelsea Bengco
Over two years ago I was an overworked university graduate working an office job during the day and serving tables by night. I had no clue how working professionals maintained a work life balance. The young and naïve part of me thought that drinking a green juice after work or taking a quick vacation would help me find that balance. My lifestyle did not change until I received an unexpected offer to work for Sporty & Rich.
Money was my biggest motivator considering the fact that I live in one of the most expensive cities in the world (Vancouver, BC). This led to me to spend all my time working and neglecting everything else important to me. As a result of my new work experiences, I realized that balance and finding purpose in what you do is what is most important. Enjoying what you do will create a positive work environment which will lead to success on its own.
The term “work life balance” may sound cliché or too good to be true to some, but the ability to work from home allows you to close your laptop and “log off” for the day. Coming from a corporate office background, it is still possible to find balance but at times, an added commute or long work days can make this more challenging. Although I am guilty of working at random times in the evening, I will be sure to work a little less the following day. It also helps me to have an activity to look forward to in the evenings such as booking a workout class, browsing shops or going to dinner with friends.
Taking breaks is necessary, especially as I am someone who can’t sit still for long periods of time. I’m fortunate to be able to work from home, which allows me to go on at least one walk per day throughout my work day. This keeps me happy and motivated, especially when the sun is out. It is also important to drink plenty of water throughout the day and to remember to eat, no matter how busy you may be.
Being able to work from anywhere is something I will never take for granted. My laptop is essentially my child and basically comes with me everywhere. Changing up your work scenery, whether it be a different destination or even a coffee shop keeps work exciting. Whether I am on a call with the team, being active on our social media, handling PR orders or responding to emails, I make sure to perform my best no matter where I am.
For me, feeling happy with what I am doing, motivated and healthy is my top priority. I noticed my overall mood and perspective of life changed after finding a career that worked for my lifestyle. I finally have time to work towards my goals and find new passions without feeling overworked, which I will forever be grateful for.