By: @emma.walsh
We’re all familiar with the feeling of burnout: when we’re overwhelmed with work, a never ending to do list, a packed social calendar, family matters, and a number of other responsibilities. Amidst the chaos, it can feel like there’s not a single moment for ourselves. At the same time, taking time for ourselves via self care is integral for mental and physical wellbeing. It also helps us show up better for others and the world. How to Find Time for You In Your Schedule Before we discuss self care practices, here are a couple tips for making the time in your schedule:
Find your Free Time
Take a look at the day or week ahead and see if there are little pockets of free time in your schedule. Once you’ve identified these, plan a self care practice for that time. For instance, a morning meditation, afternoon walk, or movie night with a friend. If you’re having trouble finding this time, an ideal time for most people can be right after you wake up in the morning or before you go to sleep.
Know that it’s Okay to Say No
As a natural people pleaser, this is something I have to remind myself of quite often. If there’s a commitment that you’re just not excited about, it’s perfectly okay to say no. Remind yourself that you’re not saying “no” to the person who asked, you’re just saying “yes” to yourself.
Ways To Practice Self Care When You’re Busy
Exercise Breaks
Research has shown that exercise gives us energy, as well as a rush of endorphins and dopamine. (Interestingly enough, exercise also promotes more restful sleep, too.) If you’re not up for a full workout, you can also opt for a gentle stretch, which is beneficial because it aids blood flow, increases range of motion, and improves physical performance. No matter the form of movement, it goes without saying that you’ll always feel better after.
Time with Friends
Invite some of your busy friends over and have a relaxing self care day together. Some ideal activities for this occasion could be going for a walk, applying face masks and watching a classic movie, or just catching up over a cup of herbal tea.
Get Outside
Breathing in fresh air and absorbing the sun’s vitamin D has a multitude of benefits for our health, including stress reduction, immune support, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. A brisk walk is an ideal daily ritual where we can reap these benefits – and it can also be used as a moment for mindfulness and gratitude. Another easy way to spend more time in nature is to take whatever activity you’re doing outside. (Weather permitting, of course!)
Mental Self Care
After cozying up with a blanket and cup of tea, enjoy some activities that nurture your mental health. My personal favorite is journaling because it allows for deep emotional release. A meditation or tapping session also helps to melt stress away.
Pamper Routine
The evening is an ideal time to indulge in a pamper routine. Plan out the activities you want to do, like facial massage, dry brushing, and a luxurious warm bath. After a thorough pamper evening, I always feel like a more calm, radiant version of myself.
Reading is an accessible activity that can be done while commuting on the train, soaking in the bathtub, or sipping a cup of coffee in a café. A physical book is also the perfect addition to your wind down routine before bed. Books have serious potential to transform your life, so get lost in the pages and experience the educational and stress-relieving benefits.