By: @thatnextlevelgirl
Your skin acts like a mirror and reflects what is going on inside your body. This is why taking the time to focus on both your lifestyle and what you eat is vital for clear and vibrant looking skin.
When one’s diet is filled with processed foods and deprived of vital nutrients, it is not uncommon for this to show up on the skin as acne, eczema, dryness, irritation, puffiness or dullness. Each and every cell in our body is responding to the type of foods that we eat. Consequently, improving your diet will not only benefit your skin, but how you feel as well. Below are some simple tips on what to eat for brighter, healthier looking skin.
Increase Fibre
Fibre is a complex carbohydrate found in plants that helps to bind waste products in our system so it can be eliminated properly. High fibre foods include quinoa, seeds, nuts, brown rice, the skins on fruit and vegetables, oats, and flaxseeds.
Fibre also plays a role in helping feed the “good” bacteria in our gut which impacts the way our skin looks (think: gut skin axis). When we don’t eat enough fibre (most Americans don’t even get half the required daily amount), then waste and toxins are left behind, where it then sits in our system. From here, the waste and toxins either lead to a build up of unwanted, bacteria causing bacteria, or, they head to excretory organs, such as the liver and skin.
Consume Healthy Fats
Healthy fats (i.e. unsaturated fats), play a key role in skin health. Sources of healthy fats include avocado, beans, fish, nuts, seeds, and high quality oils such as olive oil. They promote vibrancy, help prevent dryness, increase radiance, and nurture the skin microbiome. Healthy fats also play an essential role in female hormone production and can therefore, help to indirectly promote clear, healthy skin by balancing one’s hormones.
Increase Protein
Protein helps to grow and repair the cells in our body. Protein sources include meat, fish, legumes, nuts, seeds, and some vegetables. If you are in the sun every day, cleansing your face frequently, and/or regularly exercising, it is important to consume adequate levels of protein so your skin can effectively replace lost skin cells with supple, healthy cells.
Consume Antioxidants
Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables in abundance, and play a key role in neutralizing free radicals within our bodies. Free radicals are molecules that our body releases to destroy harmful pathogens and bacteria. We are naturally exposed to free-radical generating substances from processed foods, alcohol, and pollutants every day. When there is an imbalance of free radicals within the body, the body becomes inflamed and breaks down collagen in the skin, which translates to premature ageing. Antioxidants can also help to eliminate toxins in the body, helping to prevent skin breakouts.
Stay Hydrated
Although you may find this tip redundant, water is your best friend when it comes to getting clearer looking skin. It helps to eliminate toxins and promote healthy blood flow which can benefit the skin’s appearance and increases hemoglobin. Your body is made up of mostly water (including the skin) so if you are dehydrated, this will be reflected in your skin.